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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Beautiful Quotes By Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy. That's my life motto.

Recovery is something that you have to work on every single day and it's something that it doesn't get a day off.

I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.

I try to keep it real. I don't have time to worry about what I'm projecting to the world. I'm just busy being myself.

Sometimes you don't know who you can and cannot trust. I still learn that over and over again.

I think that women who know who they are are beautiful.

It's a big responsibility dating me. Because I come with a little bit of baggage, you know?

I pray every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up.

Rocker dudes don't have a lot of swagger.

If I'm able to use my voice to do good in the world then I definitely want to do that.


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