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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Beautiful Quotes By Kathrine Heigl

Katherine Heighl 

I'm terrible with patience.

Adoption has been a part of my life and a part of my family, so it was how I wanted to start. It felt natural and right to me.

As women, we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers, and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy.

I'm too lazy and I like food and I like my free time too much to spend it working out!

My good friends are Mormon, some of the best people I know.

I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and think it is a wonderful way to grow up.

Marriage is actually really terrifying. It doesn't work for many people.

I do like change. That's the one thing exciting about me.

I'm really proud of myself because I've pared my beauty regimen down to a cream blush and berry-tinted lip balm, which has saved me so much time.
My mother is a great source of advice and wisdom and consolation for me.


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