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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Beautiful Quotes By Katy Perry

Katy Perry

I fall in love every time. And I don't really fall in love a lot, but when I do, I fall hard.

My personality is up and down, sassy and cheeky.

I've lived such a great, fantastic life already, but there's still so much more.

I wanted to be that quirky girl who writes funny songs that still have meaning.

If people want a role model, they can have Miley Cyrus!

I've done a lot of bad things. Use your imagination.

I was a hop-around. I hung out with the rockabilly crew, the guys who were trying to be rappers, the funny kids.

I come from a very non-accepting family, but I'm very accepting.

I have always been the kid who’s asked ’Why?’ In my faith, you’re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like ’why?’
It was so draining. Going to parties to rub elbows with so-and-so and act like it's no big deal, when really all I was doing was hoping I'd have the success they had.


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