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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Best Britney Spears Quotes

Britney Spears

I don't like defining myself. I just am.

With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling.

I know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am so if you don't like it, tough!

Every night, I have to read a book, so that my mind will stop thinking about things that I stress about.

I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model - because I make mistakes like everybody else. When I'm offstage, I'm just like everybody else.

I want to be an artist that everyone can relate to, that's young, happy and fun.

I did not have implants, I just had a growth spurt.

Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't mean I'm naughty.

Onstage I'm the happiest person in the world.

The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.


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