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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Impressive Quotes By Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton Quotes 

The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in.

The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday.

Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything.

No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.

Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.

Wal-mart... do they like make walls there?

I think it's important for girls to be confident. Believe in yourself and... everybody's hot.

A true heiress is never mean to anyone - except a girl who steals your boyfriend.

I don't really think, I just walk.

It will work. I am a marketing genius.


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