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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

6 Best Quotes By Jack Black

Jack Black 

You must never underestimate the power of the eyebrow.
I'd rather be the king of kids, than the prince of fools.

I played, like, a year of piano until I learned the Pink Panther theme. That was my goal. Once I was good enough, I quit. Now my music has to have some rock.

There's nothing you can really do to prepare to rock. Do you prepare to eat a delicious meal? Are you hungry? Then you're gonna eat it.

We're in the dark ages if J-Lo can have a music career because of her ass. And let's face it, that's it.

The movie Spinal Tap rocked my world. It's for rock what The Sound of Music was for hills. They really nailed how dumb rock can be.


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