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10 Beautiful Quotes By Megan Fox

Megan Fox 

10 Best Quotes By Ashley Scott

Ashley Scott Quotes 

For some reason when I write in cursive, it's easier and flows better for me to read that when I print.

Everyone checks out my mom. My mom's hot.

What's funny is my husband doesn't have any tattoos at all, so he must be the very conservative one.

I was training more learning how to scuba dive which I'd never done which was really, really, really cool.

I learned Tae Kwon Do and gymnastics and I have a trainer.

We had our first earthquake over here recently. That was a bizarre feeling. I just became disoriented and I remember my dad freaking out. Nothing broke or anything.

I got his initials tattooed on the back of my neck, you know, since we both now have the same initials.

I think my first bikini, I was four and it was polka dotted and I had a big belly and I looked dashing.

I have a hard time retaining the lines. Even on set I make mistakes but I'm okay with that.


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